Are you pregnant and worried about your pets coping? Here are 13 tracks of baby & toy sounds to prepare any pet for the arrival of your new baby. Designed by a behaviour veterinarian, it is the most comprehensive range sounds available to best prepare your pet(s).
A baby makes many different noises. Many pets go ‘crazy’ or get very scared the first time they hear the noises of a baby or their toys. Your pet needs to be familiar with these new sounds ranging from crying to giggling; sneezing to splashing in the bath; chatting to screaming. It contains 11 different unique baby soundtracks to prepare your pet for a new baby. Also included are 2 tracks of common toy noises – for those pets not used to these types of noises or those pets that currently get scared with those squeaky toys that your baby will now use. Prepare your pet(s) for these new sounds with these tracks and ensure that problems such as hiding, startling and not eating do not occur. Available as Immediate Download or posted USB/CDs.